Latest Follow-Up NewsWe’re currently full speed with our current follow up, the Gen2-28 Heart Function follow-up. This round of testing is a continuation of the Gen2-28 Vision and Vessels follow-up from 2018-2020, with a focus on Gen2 participants who attended the Gen2-28VV follow-up but did not have a heart ultrasound. We’re hoping to see between 10 and 12 participants a week, with the follow-up estimated to run until mid-2022.
Planning Underway: The Generations Follow-Up By now you should have heard about the unfortunate malfunction at one of our storage facilities last year, which resulted in damage to a number of biological samples. One outcome of the investigation into what happened is that our insurers have come through for us.
This will enable us to conduct a new follow-up with both Gen1 and Gen2 participants (something we had not been able to commit to before now), with estimated data collection to start in 2023. We believe that it will open many new avenues for future research using Raine Study data, which in turn will add significantly to the ongoing value of the Raine Study to researchers in Australia and around the world.
The informal name for this follow-up will be the Generations Follow-Up, with official nomenclature as follows:
- Gen1-33-year follow-up
- Gen2-33-year follow-up
While there are still many details to be finalised, we encourage you to start thinking about grant applications that would allow you to add additional measures to this two-generation follow-up. We hope that research grant funders will see the value in leveraging this follow-up, efficiently and cost-effectively to produce new knowledge. Contact our
Scientific Management team with any queries.