What will happen during the focus group?During this one-hour online meeting, you will be invited to share your feedback about the new visual consent form we are developing. A visual consent form is a new type of consent form with an emphasis on pictures and images rather than words to convey important information.
You will be asked some targeted questions about how easy it was to understand and engage with the new format, and you might be asked to recall your previous experience of the old text-based consent forms. At the end of the meeting, you will also be asked to complete a survey which will take approx. 10 minutes.
The focus group is being facilitated by research assistants from the University of Western Australia’s School of Law, and your identity will remain anonymous to the researchers.
The session will be recorded to assist in analysis of the feedback we receive. Your opinions will be transcribed but kept anonymous, and the recording will be deleted at a later date, to preserve your anonymity.
Should you have any questions about taking part, please don’t hesitate to contactme.
Kind regards,
Diane Wood
Follow-Up Manager
The Raine Study
diane.wood@uwa.edu.au P:08 6488 6952 M: 0447 8639 44